The Shinjiru team consists of over 90 staff ready to assist you 24/7. We are ISO9001:2008 accredited with a Quality Control Management System that is recognised for customer focus and satisfaction. Managing over 40,000 customers in a span of over 25 years, we have come to know and understand what the customer requires, hence making us the Offshore Web Hosting market leader. Support is available via our online ticketing system, live chat and phone calls. The available options are listed below for your convenience, so you can find the communication channel that suits you best.

Check Our Support Announcements
If there are any issues with network, servers, configuration or setup, the first step is to check our Support Announcement pages to see whether it is due to planned maintenance announcements or current issues already known and troubleshoots are in progress.
Search Our Knowledgebase (KB)
Our Knowledgebase is where you can find solutions to your problems. It comes with complete step-by-step guides, providing customized solutions to suit your preference.
Contact Us via Live Chat (Skype)
This is the first recommended measure to be taken to speak with one of our Operators if you have questions on any of our products and services or experiencing issues with the website, server or network downtime.
Contact Us via Online Ticketing System
This is the recommended contact platform if our Live Chat is OFFLINE and you are experiencing issues with the website, server or network downtime. We strive to provide 15-minute or less response time. Most cases are resolved shortly thereafter.